When it comes to planning permission for building a new home in the UK, it can become quite complicated. Here is a thorough guide (US, UK) which will give you the full lowdown on exactly how to acquire planning permission. Consider ours a summary.
With all the excitement that comes with building a new home, so too does the stress of planning. To stop that stress from outweighing the joy though, we’ve put together a quick planning permission guide to ensure this part of your build goes seamlessly.
Our aim here is to provide you with the crucial details and regulations in the most uncomplicated way possible.
What is Planning Permission?
Planning permission for building a new home is when your local authority grants you the rights to do so — aspects like the size of the house, and the area all affect permission. In order to obtain planning permission for building a new home, you’ll need to submit a planning application. The easiest and quickest way to get planning permission is by utilizing the services of an architect or a planning consultant.
Now, “material planning considerations” affect the decisions made by your local authority. Material planning considerations are essentially how the building of a new home will affect its surroundings. These are as follows:
- Overshadowing and loss of outlook
- Highway issues including traffic generation, vehicular access, highway safety
- Smell or fumes
- Damage, loss or effect on trees
- Incompatible or unacceptable uses
- Storage or handling of hazardous materials and development of contaminated land
- Loss of sunlight
- Overlooking and loss of privacy
- Noise or disturbance
- The capacity of physical infrastructure
- Effect on listed buildings and conservation area
- Layout and density of building design, visual appearance and finishing materials

To help you with this, we recommend looking for reliable planning and architecture professionals who can do all the policy research for you. They will then help you determine which planning considerations will affect your proposal.
Rather hire a firm from the beginning because they will use their expertise and experience to write a proper Design and Access Statement to convince the local authorities that your design complies with the above considerations and any other policies.
Here are the answers to the major questions most people have when wanting to get planning permission for building a new home:
How much does planning permission for building a new home cost?
In the UK, planning permission for a single dwelling costs £462 for a full application. If you’re simply looking to extend or improve, it will cost you £206.
That’s not all, unfortunately. It will cost you to ready your designs and documentation (as mentioned above). Tip: In the UK, Homebuilding & Renovating recommend keeping aside £2,000 for successful planning permission all in all.
How long does it take to get planning permission for building a new home?
Eight weeks for a standard home. That’s the short answer. Again, those previously mentioned considerations come into play here. The more complex the build, the longer it may take.
There’s also something known as the “public consultation process” where residents who live around the plot where you plan to build are invited to view your plans and have their say. Taking all of this into thought means it could take up to 18 months.
What Does a Planning Application Include?

All planning permission applications in the UK should strictly include the following items:
- A site plan, block plan, elevations of the existing and proposed site
- A design and access statement
- The exact fee
- Five copies of correctly filled out application forms
- A signed ownership certificate
So, what are your chances of obtaining planning permission in the UK?
They are pretty good. In the UK, 75% of planning permission applications are granted. If you unluckily fall under the 25%, then don’t worry too much, as 45% of that 25% get approved after an appeal.
Now that your planning permission is covered, why not streamline your build process? Have you ever heard of a renovation app? A renovation app is not just exclusive to renovations but can be used for building a new home too.
By using one, you can view payments, plans, create itemized checklists and stay in constant communication with your contractor, all in one centralized place. For someone with a busy lifestyle, it’s the way to go.